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MAYNARD JAMES KEENAN Says Songwriting Sessions For TOOL's Next Album Are 'Progressing Nicely'


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Brandon Hicks

Isn't this the same thing they have been saying for years now? I hate this band because only a bunch of self important douche bags would treat their fans this way. Stringing everyone along forever. The last album came out 10 years ago and there are these people out there that still WORSHIP this band.

I just think it is insane. You would think in ten years people would have found something better to do than wait for another album full of ten minute LSD farts from these has beens. Let Maynard make his wine and just go away already. Their last good album was Aenema or however the hell its spelled. The only way i would ever care again is if they went back to their roots and actually wrote songs instead of these drawn out yawn inducing marathons. That is just my opinion though. 

Картина дня
